
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Kia Ora Whanau, just letting you know the wananga will commence on Saturday 19th July at Waiaua Marae NOT the Friday  as originally planned as the marae is occupied at this time. Please be there at 7am for the Powhiri.

Naku noa

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Waiaua Noho Marae Itinerary

Waiaua 6th Noho Marae 18th – 20th 2014
Friday 18th
5:30pm: Powhiri i Ruamoko
6:00pm: Hākari/whakapai te whare manaaki/kauta
7:15pm: Karakia/waiata/mihimihi/Wkakaaturanga/presentations?kaupapa mo ngā rā whakatā?
10:30pm: haere ki te moe?

Saturday 19th
7:15am:Ka whakareri te parakuihi
8:00am: Powhiri/hākari/whakapai te whare manaaki/kauta
9:00am: Ka tū ake a Mana Pirihi ka wkakaaturanga tana kauhau i te mau rākau tika. Mana will explain reasons on how to hold a rākau while delivering a whaikorero.
10:00am: Kapūti/ after this all tāne will travel down to Torere beach to look for some rākau
He will then demonstrate and teach us all (men and woman to hold and use a light stick which could be used in our haka). He believes that women were the carriers of all knowledge and that it was them that taught our tupuna to fight using the taiaha
12:30pm: Hākari/whakapai te whare manaaki/kauta
1.30pm:  Waiata Tāwhito/ngāhau/haka whakreri te hotaka mo tatou kapa haka
3:00pm: Kaputi/tenei te wā mo rātou ka mutu ōna kauhau i tōku Whanau/tōku Whakapapa
5:30pm: Hākari/whakapai te whare manaaki
7:00pm: Karakia/mihimihi ano/whakaaturanga o ngā kaukau whakamutu
8:00pm: Parakatihi/ waiata/haka/tāwhito?  Quiz?
10:30pm: haere ki te moe

Sunday 20th
7:30am: Whakareri te parakuihi/whakapai ngā whare manaaki/kauta/moe/ruma para/te marae kātoa

11:30am: Poroporoaki ………..hoki ki te kainga

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Photo Stream Slide Show

Kia Ora Whanau,
I have uploaded some photo's for viewing...........more still to come!! Scroll down to the bottom of our blog page and click the picture to start the photo stream slide show. You can click the bottom right hand corner of the picture if you want a bigger view of the pictures. Enjoy.

Naku Noa

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blog page to go private

Kia Ora Koutou this page will be made private as soon as I get every who's on Te Putaketanga o te reo, email addresses.